Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Bite Of Soap

I was a bit worried after last weekend about my overall level of profanity here at JSR. After having a fair number of orange sodas while watching the NCAA tournament, I put up a string of posts laden with salty talk. Next morning, I got up and took a look and I thought it was a bit much so I yanked a post or two.

Now, I've got no problem with low humor. Shoot, I don't have a problem with what many people consider low morals. Sometimes taking it to extremes can be funny (NFW YouTube video, beware).

OK, maybe that's pushing it.

Still, I think well considered profanity can be effective, and isn't always a sign of poor character.

I do tend to disguise some of my foul language, not like this @#$!#%, but sometimes by changing the spelling or throwing in an apostrophe in place of a few letters. Isn't that f'n clever? No? Well, bite my ais!

Anyway, I was glad to get this low rating on the cuss meter:

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
Created by OnePlusYou


CountryDew said...

Hmm. I had 0.3 percent cussing. I must be a non-cusser, although I do swear sometimes in person.

Rebecca D. Dillon said...

My new blog over at http://soapdelinews.com has 0% cussing. :) Can't say that about my own person though.