Saturday, April 26, 2008

Six Words

I was recently tagged by Country Dew with a meme for a six word memoir. That’s fitting, because whenever I work on my column or my blog, which has been infrequent lately, my son asks if I’m working on my memoirs. I think he learned that from his Momma.

He likes the word so much that when tasked in school to create a timeline of his life, he titled it “Noah’s Memoirs”. Memoirs of a six year old, that’s a good one.

So, I’ve been pondering this on and off for the last few days. Six words. That’s very tough to do, although enough people nailed it that it was turned into a book. I’m having trouble with the approach. We all wear many hats, mine: husband, father, son, brother, friend, writer, employee, co-worker, homeowner, home project manager, music lover, hobbyist, weekend athlete, sports fan, club member, etc. Then you have carbon life form versus sense of self.

Where do I begin? How can this be done in six words? I came up with a few that only apply in specific contexts:

Desk job daydreamer. Needs a vacation.

Father of one, master of none.

Not one to miss a meal.

But how should I sum up the whole package? I’m not sure it’s even possible, so I’m going to cop out, quote my all time favorite band The Police (excuse the pun).

De Do Do Do, De Da . . . .

I've never tagged anyone with one of these, so maybe it's a good time to start. There are a few neighborhood bloggers I can torture with this. Let's see your six word memoirs Katie, KHE, and Rob.


CountryDew said...

Great dad, life lover, heart poet.

I think those sum you up, at least what I've seen on your blog...

It is a hard meme. I appreciate the effort!

dsbowers said...

Well, that's an awfully kind assessment. Thanks!

Rob said...

That's tough. People typically have a lot of different facets to them. Back in the 80's, The Godfathers had a good 4 work generic description with the song "Birth. School. Work. Death."

I guess the six words I would use to describe me right now are:

Slower, greyer but a smarter player.

That is subject to change tomorrow (or after my second cup of coffee).

dsbowers said...

That's a good one, Rob, with the added bonus of rhyme.