I guess if you are in prison you do just about anything to pass the time.
I guess if you are in prison you do just about anything to pass the time.
Posted by
11:16 AM
Labels: Odd
My wife bought the new U2 record, No Line on the Horizon, last week and I've listened a few times. I need to give it more thought on the individual songs, but overall I think it is one of the best the band has ever put out. Without doubt it's the only record since Achtung, Baby (1991) that I've wanted to listen to repeatedly, end to end. That's a pretty high compliment these days when full albums aren't of much concern in the industry.
I particularly like the title song and the next one, Magnificent.
Posted by
9:10 PM
Labels: Music
Have you ever wondered about some day to day thing you've never thought about before? Like just now, I was scooping out the cat boxes and I wondered: who was the first person to say, "Let's see if this cat is willing to shit in a bucket? Then the cat can live inside with us."
I'm sure I could find some information out on the google somewhere, but it's not a big deal. It's not worth the research time. Just something I think about while doing the things that need to be done.
I wonder about the cats quite a lot, actually. Our two get canned food, but not always the same flavor or brand. Last week, LBB bought a full case of "Ocean Whitefish", so I was a bit concerned that the cats would get bored with the same thing every day. Do they care? I'm like that. If we have Mexican food at home one night, I wouldn't want to go out for it the next day. The rest of my family doesn't seem to care, but I like to mix it up. Are they sick of Ocean Whitefish? How would they tell me if they were?
Posted by
8:05 PM
Labels: Why Not
My child suffered duel disappointment today. First of all, despite protestations from many coaches, our local rec league refused to let him, and several other boys, into coach pitch even though they have already played two years of tee ball. He shed some major tears when he found that out this morning.
You see, they have this whacky rule that you have to be 8 years old before May 1 to play coach pitch. TB's birthday is June 7. Seems odd to have the cutoff date right in the middle of the baseball season. Basically what this does is send most second graders to coach pitch, but force a small number of them to remain in tee ball for a third year despite their skill level. Seems to me they ought to operate on a maximum age, not a minimum age.
Well, you can't win them all. He wins on the summer swim season, though, because the age groups are determined by their age as of June 1.
Second whammy of the day was that I had been planning to take him skiing tomorrow but the weather is looking prohibitive. I'd say rain all night and an 80% chance of showers tomorrow promises some lousy ski conditions. Maybe we will squeeze a day in next week.
Posted by
5:41 PM
Labels: Sports
Apparently it was announced last summer, but I totally missed it, that Yahoo was cranking their domain name renewal price from $9.95 to $34.95. I got cold-cocked by that when I opened my Master Card bill.
It would have been nice if they had sent an email. How can they charge $34.95 when it looks like I can transfer my existing registration, plus get an extra year from GoDaddy for only $6.99?
Posted by
11:42 AM
Labels: Blogging