Friday, March 28, 2008

Piece Of Junk

Look at this piece of junk that showed up here last week. OK, it may be art, and it may be art that only cost $6 at Marshall's, but I think it's hideous. LBB thinks it's a treasure.

Good golly, take a look at the little leg stalks. The chicks have been sawed in half. It's easter in HELL!


Roanoke RnR said...

I'm guessing that's where the colored eggs go...I think it's interesting, but would definitely put it away after Easter.

dsbowers said...

Actually, there little tea light holders in there. So not only have we sawed the little chicks in half, next we are going to light them on fire! Ghastly.

CountryDew said...

Maybe you can use it for EarthHour? Candlelight dinner?