Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Down With The Sickness

So things are day to day, minute to minute with my father right now. I've been pretty much consumed between that and work lately, and then to top it off I've got some kind of ague. Came home early yesterday because the aches and the chills and the cough had me laid low. I dosed up and slept pretty well last night, and I feel better today, but every once in a while I break out in a chilly sweat.

I'm guessing my coworkers wished I had stayed home today.


Anonymous said...

Get well soon, buddy...

Roanoke RnR said...

Something seems to be going around. I'm practically ODing on hand sanitizer and keeping my fingers crossed the kiddies don't bring it home. Don't forget the chicken soup for yourself! Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope everything works out ok.

CountryDew said...

I hope that you are feeling better. Stress will run you down so do try to take care of yourself.

dsbowers said...

Thanks, everyone. Doing much better today. Not 100%, but getting there.