Friday, August 15, 2008

Think, Fool, Think!

The well is dry and I have a column deadline on Sunday, so I'm using this post as a scratch pad. Here are a few topics I have thought about tackling:

  • Countryside golf course and other goings on about town.
  • Fruitless tomato and pepper plants and the effort I've expended caring for them.
  • My failed experiment in hyper-miling.
  • Olympic fever! Phelpsomania!
  • Mole holes.
  • Anecdotes on crap customer service.
  • Lack of a good radio station around here. (The Planet says they play "Everything That Rocks". They lie.)
  • Why I don't go to church. (Probably not appropriate for the Circle.)
  • Demon alcohol. (Definitely not appropriate for the Circle.)
  • When Keith Anderson kicked my ass in second grade and why I deserved it.
  • How about just a recipe for my Mom's delicious Chicken and Dumplings?
  • My 7 year old does the "eye roll" at me now, and other emerging pre-teen behaviors.
  • My desperate longing to get to the beach (going next week! Wheee!)
  • Did K McN on Channel 10 get a boob job? No, don't go there!
  • The Duchess County Fair incident and other tales of extreme selfishness.
  • Am I too old to crank Black Sabbath with all the windows open in the car?
  • Weary of the election. How come in other parlimentary democracies they just "call" an election and it's done within a month? Let's do that!
  • Chasing rabbits through the woods . . . in a Buick.

I guess I have a few ideas. Not sure I can get 800 words out of any of them. Maybe I'll just turn in this list.


Anonymous said...

I like several of your ideas, but The Circle is probably not the right venue for most of them. It's a lot easier to come up with something interesting when you don't have to worry about being family friendly. On the other hand, every issue of The Circle is starting to look and feel the same. They could stand to spice things up a bit.

dsbowers said...

Thanks for the comment, Chris. You are right. I'll pass it along.

Amy Hanek said...

I am there with you some days. This week I plan to be busy and haven't written my column either. Maybe I should borrow your list... Nahhhhh.