Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Happy Halloween, everyone. Tonight, LBB and I will be heading to a pre-trick-or-treat party and then we will take turns manning the door and escorting the boy. It looks like it should be a warm night, so I'll throw open the windows and play eerie music to frighten all the little ones.

As a last tribute to a waning Star Wars obsession, TB is dressing as Jango Fett tonight. He's was bugging me to make him a jet pack to wear on his back, but he hasn't mentioned it in a couple weeks. I hope he forgot, because I did. Oops! I think it would be annoying after awhile, anyway.

Be safe and spooky this evening!


CountryDew said...

I hope you and yours had a very cool Halloween. Happy November 1.

Anonymous said...

Well - did you have to scramble and put together a jet pack, or not?

BTW - I think I saw you you walking your dog down on the greenway yesterday...

dsbowers said...

Nope. The boy was fully distracted by his friends so no jet pack necessary.

In fact after he got done trick or treating, he said he wanted to wear a ninja costume instead of Jango Fett. I think the helmet was driving him nuts.

I'm afraid that wasn't me on the greenway. We don't have a dog, just two cats.