The Ultimate Fashion Flop
I know I'm probably going to offend a few of you today, but I have to let this out: there is no further depth of fashion than the holiday sweater:
Unless you are sipping cocoa at the North Pole, there is no excuse for this. I can accept it maybe on a pre-schooler, or a pooch:
but if you are a fully grown man or woman, please, just don't.
Why is this getting me riled up today? No, it's not the beginning of my annual holiday-time psychosis. Oh, yes, blog world, this will be your first exposure to my seasonal meltdown. Enjoy!
Actually, it's Halloween that triggered my ire. It is rapidly exceeding Christmas for over-the-top low-brow Americanalia.
Today, I spotted a few of these coming in the office:
I'm sorry, people, but today is not Halloween, and if you ask me this is never, ever, appropriate workplace attire. It's questionable even wearing it around your house, but if you must, I can't tell you what to do in the privacy of your home. Please, keep it behind closed doors, OK?
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