Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Heavens to Betsy

"Heavens to Betsy" was one of G'diddy's pet phrases, and he'd surely be saying it now if he saw this chart. That's Wachovia's stock price over the past year.

G'diddy worked for Bank of Virginia, in Richmond, and later in Roanoke, ultimately retiring in 1975 as a VP at Signet Bank, which acquired Bank of Virginia. Signet was later bought by First Union which then became Wachovia. So, he was ultimately a Wachovia retiree.

He had a fair amount of stock that he held on to for years because they paid quite a good dividend. Looking at it now, despite cutting their dividend in half, the yield still looks huge compared to the price per share.

We're still hanging on to that stock. At this point, it's either gotta go up or go under. We already missed the boat where selling it would have been wise so now we just wait and hope. Worrisome times, indeed.


Anonymous said...

I'm taking the same stance toward my GM stock.

Museice said...

This is a market for strong stomachs and the financial sector requires Pepto.

Amy Hanek said...

I am keeping my eyes closed for as long as it takes. It's definitely a good year to NOT retire.

Roanoke RnR said...

Same here with Sirius far as my IRA mutuals, they'll probably be nothing left if I make it to retirement.

Rob said...

The market has been tough this year - it hurts to contribute the max to a 401k and end up with a smaller balance. Ugh.