Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Milk Is Not An Eskimo

I know! It doesn’t make any sense does it? Milk is not an Eskimo. What is that all about?

I kept dreaming it last night. I can’t even remember what sort of action took place in my dream, but this phrase kept coming up over and over. I even got up and had a glass of water and slid back into my dreams and there it was again: milk is not an Eskimo.

I don’t typically remember my dreams anymore, probably because they are cut off by an alarm clock most days, but I do know that I can wake up for a few minutes, consciously do something like get up and look at messages on my Blackberry, then get back in bed and slide right back into the dream where I was. It’s like a “pause” feature. Pretty cool if it’s a good dream. I can shut it off, too, if it’s a bad one.

So what’s up with Milk Is Not An Eskimo? Is it trying to tell me I need to get more calcium in my diet? I doubt it, as much cheese as I eat. I’m not big on ice cream, though, and I’m guessing the Eskimo aren’t either. Is it a reference to Heathers (“esquimeaux”)? Doubt it. I haven’t seen that movie in years.

Not worth trying to figure out, I guess, but I know it’s about the only thing I’ve been actively curious about for weeks. Weeks and weeks and weeks of numbness seemingly snapped to a halt by one nonsense phrase.

I don’t know what has put me in such a fog lately, but I do know one thing for sure: Milk is not an Eskimo!


CountryDew said...

I attempted to look that up in my dream book but alas, neither milk nor Eskimo could be found!

Roanoke RnR said...

I immediately thought of an eskimo ice cream bar...

Anonymous said...

Great minds think alike. I've been thinking of an Eskimo Pie for the last 24 hours.