Here we go, Monday again, back at my desk. I feel like I just left here Friday with a song in my heart and a bounce in my step. Ah, well. As Mookie said in Do The Right Thing, "I gots to get paid!"
Friday night we went to the (newest, but no so new anymore) El Rodeo over in Cave Spring Corners. I've never been there before, but good grief, that place was packed! Food was just what you would expect, so no surprises there.
Saturday morning, TB wanted to ride his bike to the soccer fields to watch his friends play. He opted out of soccer this fall, but I could tell he was getting the itch to play because he put on last year's uniform to go watch the games. He later admitted he changed his mind two weeks after the registration deadline. Said he wants to play either soccer or football next fall. I'm nudging him back toward soccer if those are the choices.
Then he wanted to go to the skateboard park in Wasena. That's his new obsession, biking on the skateboard ramps. The sign says "bicycles prohibited". I'm not a rule breaker, unless it's a silly rule, and that one seems silly. Especially when there are usually more bikes than boards there anyway.
Yardwork all Saturday afternoon in exceptional heat and humidity. I think I sweat off about five pounds. Didn't do much Saturday evening. We had flirted with getting a babysitter and going out but the cheapskate in me prevailed so we just grilled out. Made those killer grilled baked potatoes again.
Sunday we had kind of a lazy morning. I dropped TB at Sunday school (we are heathens like that - drop him off then go back home to coffee and the paper).
Went and worked out late morning. TB whined and fussed about going with us ("there's nothing to do"). He's not the nicest kid sometimes. For example, he refuses to take his Nintendo DS to the RAC with him because he's afraid he might have to share with someone he doesn't know. Selfish little turd. Fine, complain and sit in the corner, but we are going to the gym. Well, in the typical way that things always work out for my son, voila! they have Guitar Hero at the RAC now.
Then first cub scout pack meeting of the year at 4PM. Kids swam in a pond and caught tadpoles in a creek. We all had a big pot-luck meal. Home by 7:00, had a couple games of Sorry and then off to bed.
So now you know the whole story.