Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chef Deli Salad Did Not Go To Culinary School

That's what has been posted on the sign above a Roanoke restaurant for the past few days.

"Chef Deli Salad Did Not Go To Culinary School"

I'm sure there is some inside story to that. I wonder what it means. What do you think?


Yo Scott said...

perhaps if i knew which restaurant, i could come up with a witty hypothesis!

Anonymous said...

This makes me wonder about Chef Boyardee?

Anonymous said...

On an unrelated topic, I enjoyed your latest Circle piece. My son won't start at CSE for another couple of years, but it sounds like I need to start collecting glue sticks now.

dsbowers said...

Thanks, Chris!

And by the way, Yo, the restaurant was Corned Beef & Co.