Friday, September 5, 2008

Coundn'ta Said It Better So I Won't Even Try

You don't have to read too deep into the archives to figure out that I'll be voting for Barack Obama in November. Very little could change my mind about that.

But I will say that after the two conventions I am a bit worried. Yes, Biden is a very competent and qualified VP choice, but he's also volatile, and remember all the other silly things that brought down other viable candidates for office? Macaca anyone? I'm kinda on the edge of my seat waiting for him to let something fly that will be hard to backtrack from.

Then Obama's speech. Yes, it was inspiring. Yes, it was energizing. And yes, he took it to the Republicans in ways that neither Gore nor Kerry did. But what I didn't hear were specifics. I wanted more specific, attention grabbing ideas that would pull more undecideds to his side. I don't think he pulled that off.

Then we have Sarah Palin. At first, I thought her a very odd choice. Until we all got to know her. Sure there are questions of her experience. Her family should be off limits and I hope they are, BUT you can't ignore the fact that so many right wing pundits villify pregnant teens in the entertainment world, but the case of the Palins is just the "family doing what they think is right." You have to admit, her presence on the ticket may well shore up support from the crumbling Republican base, evangelicals, and probably, working women with pregnant teenage daughters. Politically, I think McCain made a brilliant gamble.

What worries me is that most of the criticism of McCain's choice went only to those topics I just mentioned. Nothing deeper. No one was getting to the real reasons why we should be frightened of the McCain-Palin ticket.

Colleen, from Loose Leaf Notes offers a clear and succinct summary of those reasons.


Amy Hanek said...

I am right there with ya. I'm beginning to like Palin a little, despite my Obama loyalties. McCain could be considered a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Anonymous said...

specifics? Electing Supreme Court judges who will overturn Roe Vs. Wade. That's got my attention.

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

I am having nightmares about the McCain Palin ticket. What is this, 1968?!

If every Obama supporter doesn't vote, he's going to lose. There are too many right wing, conservative nut jobs who are worrying about keeping their guns and getting distracted by Palin's glasses. They will never vote for a black man with an Arab sounding name.