Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blogging

I haven't had much to say the past week or so. Work has been kinda crazy, though I keep my hours to a reasonable 45 per week. TB has been winning a bunch of blue ribbons in his swim meets. He was at camp for golf, tennis, and swimming this past week. My Mom is doing good. LBB is her usual jovial self. Tomorrow is our 12th anniversary, and Monday is my 41st birthday.

I just don't feel like going on and on about it. Summertime lull, I guess.


Amy Hanek said...

My youngest begins theater camp this morning. Look out world...

I plan to dip my toes in the pool and write all week.

Rick Allen said...

Happy Birthday, little brother!


CountryDew said...

Happy birthday! You're only getting better...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! (Yeah, I was late for my own, too.)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! nothing better than spending it at a swim meet eating fritos, right? but I speak for myself.