Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tee Ball Game Time Screwups

It's tee ball season again: that joyful springtime rite where five and six year olds seemingly absorb all the rules and strategies of baseball in practice, then promptly forget once the ump yells "Play Ball!"

This year, though, we've spent most of our tee ball game time watching high school softball games.

Somehow our 6:00 games have all been significantly delayed (or cancelled in last night's case) because the prior game, scheduled for 4:00, didn't start on time or ran very long. So we end up having extra practice time, but still a bunch of disappointed tee ballers in the end.

Now I fully understand you would not cut short a school game to accommodate the tee ball schedule, but do we have a lack of usable ballfields in town? Don't high school games generally take place at the high school?

Oh well, at least it gave me time last night to cut my grass ahead of today's impending rain storms.

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