Best and Worst Super Bowl Ads
Did you all watch that game last night? I bet a few of you did. What a great Super Bowl. One of the best I can remember. The first quarter told the whole tale: the Giants controlled the ball on offense and their defense pressured Tom Brady like no other team all season. Those were the two things they needed. Yes, they turned it over a few times, but the other factors were so strong that it didn't matter.
Now, on to my best and worst commercials lists. I saw a few lists today, and I seem to be going against the crowd with my choices:
Best 3:
1) The Bridgestone ad with the screaming squirrel. Overall, it was too long, and it was overkill once they got through every creature in the forest, but the initial squirrel scream and the woman in the car were hilarious.
2) Bud Light fire-breathing ad. There wasn't much to this. It was a quick ad right near the start of the game. For some reason it made me laugh out loud. I saw this one on several "worst" lists, but I thought it was pretty clever.
3) The Bud Light ad with Jackie Moon (Will Ferrell). I'm a Will Ferrell fan so I was roaring by the end of this one.
Honorable Mentions: the Pepsi ad with Justin Timberlake. I saw that on a "worst" list, too. I think it's great when a mega-star can make fun of himself. Getting dragged nuts first into a mailbox (over and over): I bet you wouldn't see Kanye West agreeing to do that ad.
Also, the Ice Cubes gum ad with Carmen Electra. She was looking really good in that red dress, so that's about all it takes.
Worst 3:
1) The Sobe water ad with the model and the lizards dancing to "Thriller". Old song, weird concept. I just didn't get it. This was on a number of "best" lists. Why?
2) The Career Builder ad with the woman's heart squirting out of her chest. Just vile.
3) The E-trade ad with the spitting baby. That isn't cute. It's disgusting. I don't understand why vomiting on TV has become so commonplace. You see it all the time now. I'm a huge South Park fan, but they lose me sometimes with all that vomiting. Yes, this was a cute little baby "spitting up", but that's still vomiting and I don't like it. Yuck.
Dishonorable Mention: the Amp ad where the chubby mechanic clamps the jumper cables to his nips. Gaaahhhh!
Overall, it was one of the best games ever, but the commercials were a disappointment. You can see them all here if you want to take a look.
I was partial to the horse being trained by the dog. That was the only one that caught my attention. I think that was a beer commercial. Obviously I was paying *great* attention.
the commercials are certainly not worth the millions they are spending for the 30 seconds. but that said, there was one which will always stick out in my head as unique this year.
Underdog/Stewey and the Coke bottle. At first, it was half-stupid and only slightly interesting, until that big bald head rose up on the far side of Central Park.
Charlie Brown FTW!
I almost put that one as an "honorable mention". I agree, it was nothing until good ol' Charlie Brown appeared.
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