Checking In
I just realized what a light posting week it's been here on Jefferson Street. Thinking back, I'm not really sure why. Let's review: Monday evening tee ball practice. Tuesday. What the heck happened Tuesday? Oh yeah, took advantage of the warm weather to work in the yard and eat dinner on the deck, and then try to eradicate the little black ants. Wednesday and Thursday, well, I just don't know what happened there. I watched the Mets annihilate the Cardinals Wednesday night. (3-0 to start the season. Ya' gotta believe, baby!)
Last night, I found myself absorbed by something on the Weather channel about crossing the Bering Strait in some ice crawler machine. Then I got into that Smarter Than a 5th Grader show. I had not seen it before. I love a game show, and this one was definitely entertaining, but where do they get these contestants? Not a one did any good last night. I think one guy won $10,000 by cheating off the kids (which is a fair part of the game), but I'm not sure he got anything right on his own. Ah, well, it's all in fun.
This weekend I need to crank out another Circle column. It's only once a month, but it's amazing how quickly that deadline comes around. I would love to ease into semi-retirement with a couple regular columns (for fun and profit). I really take my hat off to writers who live constantly on deadline. Give James Lileks a read from time to time. He somehow turns over, seems like, a dozen columns a week, they are always entertaining, and he still maintains his website.
Next week I promise more because I'll have more time. For spring break TB and LBB are joining some friends for four or five days at the beach. Lonely ole' JSR has to work, no road trip for me, so I'll be a blogging machine.
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