Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Forest

We've been in a fog for the last several days. A forest of grief, friendship, faith, and hope. I spent a good bit of time today listening to The Cure. Not that the lyrics are particularly poignant, but the mood seems right. I listened to the Seventeen Seconds album, and the song A Forest over and over. This was almost a way to force myself into the darkness, because there was nothing dark about Granddaddy.

Granddaddy was put to rest in fine style and we had the appropriate celebration yesterday. It reminded us of his annual birthday party except that he wasn't there to thank everyone in that sincerely grateful way that cannot be faked. You can't be too sad after a life well led, but we are going to miss him forever.

Can you imagine? Living almost ninety-seven years, happy, healthy, and feisty, and then finding out only a few days before the end that you have cancer? I'm sure he decided, gracefully, to forgo the fight. That is not a bad coda.

We have some exceptional friends who have helped us through this. We love them all, and also those who have just met us by visiting the blog. Granddaddy never would have understood what a blog is all about, but had he been of this time, he would have been on everyone's blogroll.

To all my visitors, I thank you for your thoughts and support. Now we move on.

If we could all live our lives like G'diddy: Whoa! Wow! We could solve most of the problems we have in our lives, our city, and our world. Unfortunately, he was a rare breed: involved, positive, and tolerant. If only we could all be like that.


Roanoke RnR said...

My succumb to the sadness music is Lou Reed's Magic and Loss. I cry my eyes out and then get the strength to move onwards.

CountryDew said...

I am very sorry for your loss. Ninety-seven is a very long time. He saw the world change. That's amazing.