G'diddy Update
G'diddy just didn't feel like coming out on Easter Sunday, which isn't like him at all, so LBB dragged him to the doctor Monday. He was more concerned about getting a haircut.
As it turns out, the scrape on his elbow was infected, and he was a bit anemic and dehydrated, so he's back in the hospital again. Saline and vancomycin drips going. Orthopaedic consult today revealed no bones broken, but at his age a little infection can spread quickly. He's going to have an endoscopy tomorrow to see what might be killing his appetite, and he's going to have physical therapy to help regain some strength.
One doctor suggested he consider assisted living. He said, "No ma'am, once you get in one of those places, you never get out!" I think he'll be back on his feet, but it will probably be a week or so.
In the meantime, both my wife and I got some crazy nausea bug. She started it. I woke up at 3:00 today with a raging headache and a major queaze. In the morning, it was all I could do to drag myself to the kitchen, pull out my laptop and log in to the office. Once I got rolling, I did get a lot done.
Then this evening, LBB went back to the hospital. The boy was super grumpy. He always wants to move on to the next exciting thing. He spent the whole day at a friend's house, wasn't in the door two minutes before he wanted to invite a friend over. He's just like his G'diddy and his Momma. But Daddy is virulent today, so no visitors, please.
I turned on Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace. That calmed him down for an hour or so. I cranked out the Circle column I was planning to do last weekend. So, all in all, I had a busy day for a sick pup. But now I'm done. I have Bleak House on my nightstand now, so that should put me out in about fifteen minutes.
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