(Lack Of) Progress
It's been awhile since I've updated my progress on the 20 pound weight loss goal. With 18 days to go, I'm down a total of . . . three pounds. That means I have to lose nearly a pound a day. Not likely.
At least I've made a little progress. That first week it was easy to lose five pounds or so, but I also lost my will and went back the other direction. I'm not sure why this is so hard. I quit smoking cold turkey six years ago and it wasn't all that bad. Probably means I get much more pleasure out of food than I did smoking.
There have been a lot of events and stresses the past few weeks, too. Excuses, excuses.
Two positive outcomes, so far: I have (slightly) reduced my beer intake, and I got on this touch football team, which forces a bit of exercise. Bad outcomes: the football made me sore all over and hindered my day to day workout plan; and the weather has made it completely unnecessary for me to mow and whack the yard, which is a good workout. It takes me close to an hour just to mow. Two or more if I do a good job and get the trimmer out. Grass hasn't grown here in weeks. For some reason, I don't work up as much of a sweat just walking for an hour.
Next week things should calm down a bit. It's getting cooler. No more heat excuses, no more other excuses. When I used to go to the YMCA at 6:00 AM before work, I slimmed down quickly. That may be the new plan.
Ya know, after the first week you're only supposed to lose 2lbs per week. Otherwise it's not healthy and not likely to stay off. Me, on the other hand, I've finally put the weight I lost back on. Even had the other soap vendor tell me I didn't look like I was going to blow away anymore.
Losing weight is very hard, and the older you get the harder it becomes. Good luck with the dieting; I am beginning another shot at it myself today, trying a new tactic. Who knows if it will work...
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