Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Positive Attitude

I wish I had my son's positive outlook. Last night, we were driving home from the pool, last day of summer, end of a long weekend. I was glum, and I could feel the dark cloud of doom forming over my head. I don't hate Mondays or dislike my job, but I think it's a part of working regular M-F office hours. Sunday night is the end of something. When it's a three day weekend, it's worse.

Anyway, today is the first day of school for TB, so last night as I was feeling low, he says from the back seat, "Daddy?"

"Yes, T?"

"I'm going to like first grade even more than I liked kindergarten." And that's saying something, because he liked kindergarten a lot. Good for him! I wish I had that attitude.

Another example: this morning I had a 9:00 meeting. The facilitator of the meeting said, "Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend."

Snidely, I replied, "Yeah, but this is a horrible time to ask about the weekend."

To which he said, "There will be another one."

There's a lesson in there.

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