Saturday, September 15, 2007


Anyone else out there like to float peanuts up in your bottle of beer? I think I learned that from my sister-in-law. Today, all I had in the house were spicy buffalo peanuts.

That adds some adventure to an otherwise ordinary Budweiser.


Yo Scott said...

woah, wait a sec.... are you suggesting taking peanuts and tossing them into your beer? I have heard of Beer Nuts, but I have always just ate them as a salty snack in which to induce more thirst to drink more beer. I assume you are talking about ordinary peanuts, and not with the shell? As a beer fan, this might be just the thing to add when stuck at a party where they only serve domestic megabrew! But seriously, I've never heard of doing this. They had a beer down on the Market that had a chili pepper in it, but haven't tried that yet. I have 5 types of spicy peanuts that I am eager to try in beer.

dsbowers said...

Yep, float 'em right up in there. Delicious!