Friday, February 16, 2007

Cliff Hangers

I had this old sound file saved, and while I was cleaning out some things, I thought in honor of Bob Barker's retirement, we should give it a listen. He's a good friend to the animals, thus a good friend to LBB.

I just love Price Is Right. It's been on at 11:00AM since I was a wee tot, and it's the only constant that has remained on weekdays from then to now. Oh, I suppose General Hospital is still on, but I was never into that. Give me PIR, High Rollers, Joker's Wild, and the Match Game. I never got into Press Your Luck, that was just too goofy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As far as Press Your Luck goes, that was a mighty fine game as well.

I still remember the phrase..."Big Bucks, No Whammys"

Then again, my memory may have jogged by the recent Snoop Dog cd which uses the same phrase in one of the songs.