Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Written Monday, before the cat/bird crisis:

Wow, a five day gap between posts. I’m slipping, but it’s been busy here on Jefferson St.

Thursday night, finally, G’diddy was feeling up to a night out. If you recall, awhile back, he passed out in Kroger and ended up with a few fractured ribs. Since then, he’s been slowly getting better, but is reluctant to go out. He has gone to the grocery twice, but not to church, and not up to our house. We miss his daily visits!

Thursday, LBB coaxed him into dinner out at Abuelo’s. All of us really enjoyed it. G’diddy usually just gets two beef enchiladas (at our nearby Mexican joint). Here, he had a beef burrito, with rice and salad, so to him it was a huge meal, and he took half home. TB likes a taco, but we couldn’t convince him to get one, so chicken nuggets once again. LBB had cheese chile rellenos. Very nice! And I had a big ole’ combo that arrived on a serving platter. Of course G’diddy shouted out, “Oh my goodness, what is that? Whoa! Wow!”

Friday, well, no excuses, I could have posted something up, but we just enjoyed the evening. LBB made some peel and eat shrimp and we hung out on the deck. After the boy went to bed, I did spend a little time downloading and running Clamwin anti-virus (at the suggestion of Roanoke-Found). Norton craps out tomorrow.

I had declared it to be “extreme yard work weekend”, which generally sends LBB scurrying away. So Saturday I weeded and mowed and cut bushes and fertilized, etc. She and TB found other things to do, which was good, because I was able to finish everything except my twice annual washing of the cars. (I’m a horrible car owner. I change the oil get the oil changed, but you won’t find me out there with Armor All very often. Of course, our Toyota has 125,000 miles on it, so I must be doing something right).

Four giant scoops of mulch arrive later this week, so now I’m ready for it.

Sunday morning, G’diddy went back to church for the first time since his hospital stay, so he’s coming along. Still hasn’t walked up to our place yet. It was LBB’s turn for church/Sunday school transport duty, so I lazed around in the morning. Read the paper, lingered over my coffee. It was nice. By this time, it was in the back of my mind that the blog was getting dusty. I still feel like I’m learning my place here. I think I needed my first extended rest and recharge break. Ever need those?

I spent Sunday afternoon rebuilding TB’s basketball goal. We had a cheap one, the kind that you put water in the base and you can roll it wherever you want to put it. The backboard was very thin PVC or something like. It blew over in a windstorm and cracked. I thought I might be able to salvage it, but then another storm finished it off.

I went to Lowe’s and bought some thick plywood, and just attached that to the pole. It seems like it will work, so I primed and painted it, and it’s up and looking good.

This morning, as soon as TB put on his clothes he went outside to shoot baskets. That was good, because last night, I filled the base with water and some puddled up on the ground in front of the hoop. He whined about it and wouldn’t play. That irritated me after the work I had put into fixing it, so it was great when he scurried right out there in the morning.

So, there you have it, a brief synopsis of four missing days.

Back to Wednesday:

So when Henry dragged the bird into the house, it became the prime focus of my energy, and this half finished post was filed away. I just found it tonight, so now you know the whole story.


CountryDew said...

Of course your car has 125,000 miles on it. It's a Toyota! (Toyota owner who used to drive nothing but Fords.)

dsbowers said...
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