Thursday, May 31, 2007


I thought, for a minute, that I had come up with something original, and after some doubt, I still think I did.

In the previous post about my son's birthday party, I referred to him and his little wild friends as "Testosterunts". I thought that was pretty f'n clever so I Googled it and came up with nothing.

When is the last time you Googled something and came up with nothing?

"Genius," I thought. "Wow! I must have coined a phrase! What do I do now? How do I copyright this vulgar, but quite descriptive term?" I went to Urban Dictionary, and, nope, not there either. But then I Googled the singular version and found it in one, and only one, place.

And I don't like that definition. It's about Louie DePalma. OK, I get it, but, that's already been defined: it's a Napoleon Complex.

So I'm going to snatch "testosterunt" for my own use, and I'm putting it out there for the world to use. Here's a new use for testosterunt:

"An athletic, fearless, effortlessly popular elementary school boy."

That's a better definition, don't you think? I'm putting it out there in Urban Dictionary, but in the same way Venomous Kate pushed "blitch", I want to see "Testosterunt" in wide circulation. Of course you can link back to me, because, yes, I added this to the lexicon of bloggers with wired boys. Use it freely and proudly.


Andrew said...

Sheesh, spend the $6 and register the .com, too!

Anonymous said...

Testosterunts? - I like it...