Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Don't you hate when you discover a blatant grammatical or typographical error in one of your posts, and it's been out there for days, weeks, or even more? Rats!

I know, posts about blogging are boring and self-indulgent, but hey, I just needed to get that off my chest.


Anonymous said...

I never have that happen, mostly because folks just LOVE catching my typos and sending me emails, one right after the other, informing me that I screwed up.

You know, because the point of what I'd written wasn't worth reading after finding a typo.

Anonymous said...

Only my husband will tell me. And he doesn't read every day.

Roanoke RnR said...

That's not quite as bad as finding typos and mistakes in an article you wrote when it was the editing staff that made changes and the errors! At least I get to read my blog before it goes to "print", so when I make the mistake it's all my fault. Hey, we're not perfect, and who would want to be ;)