Why This Will Never Be a Photo Blog
I looked at video cameras for weeks, and bought a Hi8 machine about two weeks before everything went digital (because I was cheap).
I stuck with film cameras until about two years ago, and now we have boxes and boxes of pictures that we can't share and we can't find time to sort through (because I was cheap).
I relied on a free digital camera for awhile, one from a JC Penney promotion: buy $100 worth of men's clothing and get a free digital camera. I should have known what to expect (because I was cheap). It lasted about a month or two.
Then, I bought this kick a' computer setup from Best Buy, so I had all these reward dollars. Enough to buy the cheapest HP camera that is compatible with our printer (because I was cheap).
Here's the problem: although it may be an OK camera, it can't compensate for how crappy we are as photographers. Here are some examples:There's the back of someone else's head while we try to take a picture of our kindergardener receiving an award for some foolishness like "Most Bowed Legs" or "Most Likely to Maybe Go To First Grade. Maybe". Oh, they all get an award for something.
Then there's this one:Hey, look, that's art! I call it "Bent Knee With Stripe, Black Background, Study #12". Naw, it's just one of us being a dimwit with the camera.
Oh, and this masterpiece:
I thought that was a remarkable tomato, so I decided to lay it up in front of some fruit bowls and call it a "still life". This was on vacation, mind you, so I was likely quite intoxicated, but, it was about the only photo worth saving from the whole trip.
"Big Red Tomato, Fruits, Microwave". That's what I call it.
That's why this blog has very little photo fun, among all the other whimsy.
1 comment:
Think of the bright side Jeff, you're not wasting money on film and developing!
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