Brownie Points For My Boy
Monday night LBB hosted her book club at our house, which was a cue for TB and I to get the hell out.
He had soccer until 6:30, so after a quick change of clothes we headed out to the local hangout for dinner. Then we took a walk around the neighborhood for awhile. After that, of course the boy wanted a Slurpee. Sucker that I am, especially when it's just the two of us out on the town, I caved and took him to get one.
As we were leaving 7-11, which is right next to the local hangout, a trio of extremely attractive 20-something women were walking to the restaurant. Two had long blond hair. While I would not say they were working it, exactly, they were all dressed in that casual, summer way that you just can't ignore, if you are a dirty old man like me. I love summer.
Anyway, TB noticed me as I noticed them. They were maybe 40 feet away, and had their backs to us at this point, and here is where he banked some brownie points: "Daddy, who is that? Is that Momma?"
Well, then! Considering that his Momma is about twice their age, I knew this would be a winner. I was right. When we got home, I told her (and the rest of the book club) what he said, and there was a lot of, "Aww, cute!" and a big hug from LBB. I let him stay up an extra half hour to watch baseball with me that night.
Now that he's long past the toddler torture, having a "guys night" with my son is getting to be a lot of fun.
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