Friday, August 24, 2007

Naive Blogger, Baiting Traffic

I've been a'blog since January. My traffic has steadily increased, from zero to 20 or 30 visitors a day - wheee! Still, I'm intrigued by the forces that drive blog traffic. Yes, I know, interesting content is a good start. I can tell that I've hit a homer a time or two, and struck out many, many times.

Here's the thing, though: a few days ago I posted a link to a goofy picture of the South Park guys and suddenly my traffic has gone through the roof. I'm not sure why that picture was such a draw, so I thought I would experiment a bit.

I'm curious if this picture of breasts will entice anyone; or maybe these thighs, or this pecker.

I'm just playing around, so if you've been lured here against your wishes, welcome! Have fun, and vote in the mini polls on the left sidebar, because they are about to be retired for good. Not enough response to be statistically significant, revealing, or interesting in even the smallest little way.

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